Fantastic effort by Eason Wang to hold off Stephen Solomon in what a mere mortal would consider to be a drawn ending. Stephen played 50…h5 and later 100…b4 to show his control of the 50 move rule. A triple occurred on move 90 and move 95 but neither claimed.
The crowd grew as the game progressed.
GM Max Illingworth Winner Peninsula Open 2018
Click here 54th Peninsula Open LIVE games.
Queensland Open Champion – 2019 Aleksandar Wohl
Aleks Wohl is the Queensland Open Champion for 2019. The only slip on the way to the trophy was Round 4 v IM Stephen Solomon. The latest iteration of “Solo-Wohl” was keenly viewed by many, and Stephen did not fail to please – Stephen is a true master of end game tricks an [...]
Round 6 highlight include Board 2 clash between IM Aleks Wohl and Michael Ostapenko – pin and counter pin with winning Q check intermezzo’s!
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The “upset” theme continues – mostly where higher rated players drew when rating difference would suggest otherwise. Mark C Stokes was a clear rook down to unrated Kevin Nguyen but in desperation played on; took 3 moves to position his K behind a rook pawn and managed a “rook sacrifice stalemate” themed draw.
The tournament of upsets continues…with IM Brodie McClymont and FM Gene Nakauchi both losing with the white pieces!
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Round 3 was another late finish – a 136 move marathon where IM Brodie McClymont fought for a draw for the last 70 moves against QLD veteran Alain Pardoen. He said he had prepared 3…d5 but decided over the board to go down the 3…Bg7 line.
Several upsets in Round 2 – FM Gene Nakauchi had some transport problems and was a few minutes past forfeit time, and Tom Maguire, black on board 5 v Ben Peach made a brave decision to recapture with his King while behind in development, but after 13…a6 the engine went from +0.4 to mate in 11
Round 1 of the Queensland Open finished late last night after 4 marathon games. Highlights include Allan Li drawing with FM Dusan Stojic.
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Brenan Pavilion – Anglican Church Grammar School
The 2019 Queensland Open is a 7 round swiss with the 1st round starting on Friday night 3rd May 2019 at 7:15pm.
The venue is the Brenan Pavilion in the grounds of the Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie), Oaklands Parade, East Brisbane QLD 4169, Australia. Enter via Heath / Helen St [...]
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